We understand from Wilson Designer Homes that the ecology ground work on the field has been carried out but contractors have not yet provided their reports. These reports belong to the Developer but we hope to have a general summary of findings, and will post it.
During the next week or so we are planning to ‘top’ the grass in the field and at the same time cut back the brambles etc around the edges of it. This work will be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the ecological assessment and no hedges or trees will be affected. The work will tidy up the field and make access easier for other technical and environmental surveys etc.
The Developer has asked for a Highways Report from a specialist company. This report will address the highway implications of development on the site including accessibility and car and cycle parking requirements. It will look at the traffic impact on Church Road and any implications for the surrounding highway network. The company will install a Speed Data Recording machine to obtain traffic speed and volume data for the section of Church Road running alongside the frontage of the field. The equipment will be placed to the side of the road and will not be obtrusive. The survey will be started next week.