As explained in the last edition of the Newsletter, the new South Downs Local Plan was open for public consultation until 21 Novem- ber 2017. The Parish Council considered its own response to the Plan at its November 6th meeting. The full text of our response can be found via the Parish Council website
In summary, the Parish Council:
Welcomed the incorporation of the land adjacent to the Village Hall in Church Road into the Settlement Boundary. This has been discussed for many years and the proposed change will open-up the potential of the site (which is under the control of the trustees of the Steep in Need charity) to meet some of the community priorities identified in the Steep Parish Plan.
Noted the potential development capacity of 8 – 12 dwellings suggested by the SDNPA, but commented that the number of homes the Council would be pre- pared to support would be a mat- ter for detailed consideration once actual landscape and architectur- al designs were available and pub- lic consultation had taken place
Recognised that the proposed exclusion of the Island and the collection of properties to the west of the Dunhurst corner of the C18 from the Settlement Boundary would either maintain or improve the current levels of protection against unwanted development and should be supported.
Expressed some concern that those exclusions, together with the removal of a number of small- er areas (such as gardens) from the Settlement Boundary – would significantly reduce the potential for future “in-fill” development. Whilst beneficial in some respects, this could also eliminate the possibility of even a small growth in the size of the community in years to come. For that reason, the Council requested that the SDNPA should be sympathetic to any small Rural Exception Site requests, should such opportunities arise in the medium- to longer-term future.
If you have any comments or questions about the Local Plan and its implications for Steep, please contact the Parish Clerk, Jenny Hollington [email protected]